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Becoming A Value-Focused Freelancer―3 Things I Learned on The Journey

Updated: Jul 1, 2019

Freelancing is a journey of creativity, impact, quality and value.

#1 Be an Investment Not an Expense

Freelancing, no matter how you define it―if you're a Partner or an Affiliate―it is a journey of creativity, impact, quality and value. It doesn’t take long for you to discover the importance of putting yourself out there as an investment for a client rather than another potentially costly expense.

An expense implies that you’re part of the client’s overhead and another bill that needs to be paid. Value, on the other hand, has broader implications beyond cost and market price, or straight up―bills and expenses.

When we focus on value, we’re shifting the heart of the matter from the bare bones of producing goods and services, to the artisanal―toward building a relationship with our client and engaging in a meaningful value exchange.

A value exchange needs to be cultivated between us and the people we serve so that you get paid appropriately—for delivering quality and significance. And the significance of the product rests on your respect for the client’s voice and appreciation for the client’s audience.

But it even goes deeper. You get to mutual appreciation through relationship building. There is so much more value for us to provide when we're engaged, on a human level, with someone we know, like and trust.

And more than anything, I want people to like the services I provide. Seeing a restaurant's revenue increase as a result, is the absolute best. Seeing things happen and having the data to show for it, like . . .

◉ when award-winning chef, Andy Husbands used Upserve Insights to identify a sales loss of $1,980 per year from underperforming menu items;

◉ and West End restaurant increased revenue over $280,000 in one year by identifying a drop in repeat customers from Upserve Insight and course-correcting with a new marketing strategy.

#2 Charge A Premium

The onus is on us to make our client feel comfortable paying a premium for professionally executed services. Our part in the value exchange gives the client the benefit of the doubt―that the client is not a dilettante. And neither are we. In return, our clientele receives impactful, meaningful web content, blog posts, or other products, reliably, consistently, and honestly.

Any service we provide is ultimately based on, and judged by, the outcomes that are delivered. Both you and your client are committed to results. Building a foundation based on a mutually beneficial relationship is the core of being value-focused.

It's humans being more human and making that our business priority.

When a freelancer is value-focused, that is, bringing it to provide cost-effective quality, the conventional wisdom is that clients will feel encouraged to ungrudgingly see their own place in this exchange. They see the freelancer as an investment and an important contributor both creatively and financially. We’re part of the team even if the team is just the two of us.

#3 Be An Asset

As freelancers, we also need to see our human value and the value of our work. We don’t want to come off like we’re just dabbling, but rather that we are an asset, taking the  best possible action on behalf of our clients.

And we need to understand the recalcitrant client, too.

When it comes to hiring someone for marketing strategy, content writing, and social media coordination, there are low-end platforms out there. These content mills charge freelancers fees and give everyone a hands-off approach you could write a book about. You get a fraction of a penny per word, and it shows. They churn out a poor product and set a value, both in terms of market price and quality that are frankly awful, unacceptable, and hurt the freelancer and the work of committed professionals.

Now, our potential client had already posted his assignment on one of these sites in the past. And he did get what he paid for. He’s unhappy and skeptical at best. Who wouldn’t be? But the significance of our work is tied to the value we place on our relationship today. And that makes all the difference.

We are professional―proactive and putting in the necessary effort from the get go. We become adept at juggling high standards, ethical values, and providing the highest quality product we can create. We make an impact on our client, and, to borrow from GM, we get paid for professional grade.

We value people's time, deadlines and feedback, and they value our commitment to providing excellence. We influence a business's bottom line, having an affect on the experience of their guests, and we all move forward. We don't know where these connections will lead us further on down the road and that's the journey. And that’s valuable.

3 More Things I’ve Learned on The Journey of Becoming A Value-Focused Freelancer

1. I have the Greek word for “river” tattooed on my right wrist as a tribute to my dad. He disliked the idea of going with the flow and told me, “Be the river.” But there are no dichotomies. You can be both. Be the river and carve a canyon through a very competitive freelancing world. But sometimes that means going with the flow, also. Particularly in respect to clients. The focus is quality and value always.

2. Framing and context are everything. Tomorrow is another day, but for today, I don’t want to cut out a client or kvetch over a project based on her budget when my heart is set on making a difference. There is a balance here.

3. I’ve said this before, but it bears repeating: Nothing is more motivating than hitting the ground running and looking down and actually seeing that you landed on something solid. One of the things I've learned to appreciate is niching down. Working away from being a generalist to cultivating a niche has had an impact on both my evolution and my business relationships. Getting to know the personality and standards of the people I want to work with, and holistically addressing needs―that's the launching pad for value. And success.

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